Pabrinex® (Link) 
I/M High potency injection, for intramuscular use only, ascorbic
acid 500 mg, nicotinamide 160 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride
50 mg, riboflavin 4 mg, thiamine hydrochloride 250 mg/7 mL.
Net price 7 mL (in 2 amps) = £2.07
I/V High potency injection, for intravenous use only, ascorbic
acid 500 mg, anhydrous glucose 1 g, nicotinamide 160 mg,
pyridoxine hydrochloride 50 mg, riboflavin 4 mg, thiamine
hydrochloride 250 mg/10 mL. Net price 10 mL (in 2 amps) = £2.07
Parenteral vitamins B and C for rapid correction of severe depletion or malabsorption (e.g. in alcoholism,
after acute infections, postoperatively, or in psychiatric states), maintenance of vitamins B and C in chronic intermittent
Dose: see CSM advice above
Coma or delirium from alcohol, from opioids, or from barbiturates,
collapse following narcosis, by intravenous injection or infusion of I/V High potency, 23 pairs every 8 hours
Psychosis following narcosis or electroconvulsive therapy, toxicity from acute infections, by intravenous
injection or infusion of I/V High potency or by deep intramuscular injection into the gluteal muscle of I/M High
potency, 1 pair twice daily for up to 7 days
Haemodialysis, by intravenous infusion of I/V High potency (in sodium chloride
intravenous infusion 0.9%) 1 pair every 2 weeks