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Recommended Reading

A Mind Odyssey



ABC of Psychological Medicine, Edited by Mayou R, Sharpe M and Carson A, BMJ publications (in press).


Clinical Medicine, Kumar and Clark


College seminar series, Gaskell publications (Seminars in Critical appraisal is essential reading)


Companion to psychiatric studies, Kendall et al

Critical dictionary of psychoanalysis, Penguin publications


DSM IV. American psychiatric association

EBM, work book, Dixon et al


Examination notes in psychiatry, Buckley, Bird and Harrison

How to practice and teach, EBM,David Sackett et al.

How to read a paper, T Greenhaugh



Maudsley handbook of Practical Psychiatry, Goldberg

Organic psychiatry, Leishman


Oxford text book of psychiatry, Gelder et al

Pass MRCPsych Essay, Williams et al

Pass MRCPsych examination, Williams et al

Pocket guide to critical appraisal, Crombie

Psychotrophic drug directory, Bazire

Revision notes in psychiatry, Puri and Hall

Sciences basic to psychiatry, Puri and Tyrer


Scientific basis of psychiatry, Weller and Eysenk

Simple statistics, Frances Clegg

Symptoms in the mind, Sims

Synopsis of psychiatry, Kaplan and Saddock

The Companion to Psychiatric Studies, 6th Edition, Churchill Livingston (1999).


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